S2N and Laughing
This is what happens when you play Soup 2 Nuts…
Soup 2 Nuts is a six course meal of fun and tomfoolery. With monkeyshines and shenanigans galore you will learn, laugh, and discover things about yourself and your friends.
You will not be able to unlearn these things…
Will playing Soup 2 Nuts make you smarter, better looking, funnier, and stronger? Though we are still awaiting FDA approval, initial study results are positive.
Should you buy a copy of Soup 2 Nuts? We asked a philosopher to create a survey for us to help you make that decision:
“I actually prefer Soupt2Nuts to the Holodeck”
— Charlotte T
If you answered “strongly agree” to at least four questions then Soup 2 Nuts is the game for you. If you answered “strongly agree” to all eight questions you probably want to get two copies.
This also might happen as a result of Soup 2 Nuts…
Now, this game isn’t for everyone. You very well may be one of those snowflakes who can’t handle things of this nature. That’s OK. We don’t judge. However, I’ll bet at least one of your two friends would enjoy something like this.
So in the end, should you buy a copy of Soup 2 Nuts? Well that depends on you. Humanity is delightfully diverse and not everyone likes sitting around with their friends and laughing until they cry.
Did you know there are even people who don’t like dogs?
Of course you didn’t… that’s why you need a copy of Soup 2 Nuts…